
La Red Nacional Gamaliel

Nuestra misión es empoderar a personas comunes

a participar en las decisiones politicas, ambientales , sociales

y económicas que afectan sus vidas 


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United States

MICAH Milwaukee pastors speak to CNN correspondent about Christian Nationalism

abril 22, 2024

Addressing former president Donald Trump’s claim during Holy Week 2024 that Christianity is under attack in this country, three pastors from Gamaliel affiliate MICAH-Milwaukee recently…

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2023 Reflections

enero 12, 2024

A review of the work Gamaliel has done in 2023. View Booklet

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Giving Tuesday 2023 Eblast!

Giving Tuesday 2023 Eblast!

noviembre 28, 2023

After each training that Gamaliel hosts, participants are asked to evaluate their experience. Here are just a few of the “additional comments” received following a…

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Support US Bishops in Commemoration of World Day of the Poor Through Giving to CCHD

Support US Bishops in Commemoration of World Day of the Poor Through Giving to CCHD

noviembre 17, 2023

This weekend, November 18-19, Catholic parishes across the country will commemorate World Day of the Poor by collecting an offering for the Catholic Campaign for…

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EMV Iowa Emmy Award

EMV Iowa Emmy Award

noviembre 17, 2023

Escucha Mi Voz Iowa, one of Gamaliel’s newest affiliates in the Midwest, was named a finalist—in the “News Category for Outstanding Feature Story in Spanish”—for…

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Giving Tuesday: A Sankofa Moment!

Giving Tuesday: A Sankofa Moment!

noviembre 17, 2023

A few years ago, DeMarco Davidson, Executive Director of Metropolitan Congregations United (Gamaliel’s affiliate in St. Louis), introduced the concept of Sankofa to our National…

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Próximas Capacitaciones

5th Annual Race and Power Summit

Detroit Michigan

12/04/2024 - 12/07/2024

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