Los afiliados de Gamaliel y los partidarios de una reforma migratoria completa e inclusiva y los que apoyan el Acta de Ciudadania 2021 a lo largo del pais se unieron el viernes, 2 de junio y el martes, 6 de julio, para decirles a sus miembros del congreso que los inmigrantes son tan americanos como las tartas de manzana... y el arroz con frijoles.
Integrantes de Quad Cities Interfaith, WISDOM, SOPHIA (Waukesha, WI), Casa Esther,La Coalición de Fe por el Bien Común, Consejo Comunitario de Vecinos de Pilsen, Gamaliel de Metro Chicago y el personal nacional de Gamaiel visitaron las oficinas locales de sus miembros del congreso para entregar tartas de manzana y arroz con frijoles, asi como calcomanias y volantes para demostrar su apoyo a favor del Acta de Ciudadania 2021.
la Senadora Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), la Congresista Lucy McBath (D-Georgia), el Congresista David Scott (D-Georgia), el Congresista Darin LaHood (R-IL), el Congresista Jan Schakowsky (D-IL), el Congresista Mike D. Quigley (D-IL), el Congresista Scott Fitzgerald (R-WI), el Senador Ron Johnson (R-WI), el Congresista Roy Blunt (R-Missouri), el Congresista Josh Hawley (R-Missouri) y la Congresista Cori Bush (D- Missouri) fueron convocados por representantes de Gamaliel.
La idea de la acción fue propuesta inicialmente por miembros de la Asamblea de Derechos Civiles en Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Una Reforma Migratoria Integra e Inclusiva es una lista de exigencias recopilada por la Campaña por los Derechos Civiles de los Inmigrantes (CRI). La lista fue enviada junto con una carta al Presidente Joe Biden después de su inauguración. Aprenda más sobre CRI y una Reforma Migratoria Integra e Inclusiva aquí.
Check out photos of this action submitted by participants across the country:
- Ana Garcia-Ashley and her granddaughter deliver apple pie and rice and beans to Rep. David Scott’s office on July 2, 2021
- Ana Garica-Ashley and her granddaughter stand next to the sign for Rep. David Scott’s office on July 2, 2021.
- Maria Sorto of Faith Coalition for the Common Good is interviewed by press during the July 2, 2021 Immigrants are as American as apple pie and rice and beans action.
- A woman from Pilsen Neighbors Community Council holds a basket with apple pie, rice and beans as part of the Immigrants are as American as apple pie and rice and beans action July 2, 2021.
- Baskets of apple pie, rice and beans outside of Rep. Mike Quigley’s office
- Baskets of apple pie, rice and beans are delivered by members of Pilsen Neighbors Community Council as part of the Immigrants are as American as apple pie and rice and beans action July 2, 2021
- A man affiliated with Pilsen Neighbors Community Council delivers baskets with apple pie and rice and beans as part of the Immigrants are as American as apple pie and rice and beans action on July 2, 2021.
- A young man affiliated with Quad Cities Interfaith delivers an apple pie to Sen. Joni Ernst’s office as part of the Immigrants are as American as apple pie and rice and beans action July 2, 2021.
- Members of Quad Cities Interfaith hold up signs outside a Congressperson’s office on July 2, 2021 as part of the Immigrants are as American as apple pie and rice and beans action.
- A young woman from Quad Cities Interfaith holds up an apple pie and a dish of rice and beans as part of the Immigrants are as American as Apple Pie and Rice and Beans action on July 2, 2021.
- Members of SOPHIA stand outside Rep. Scott Fitzgerald’s office
- Members of SOPHIA stand outside Rep. Scott Fitzgerald’s office
- Members of SOPHIA hold up apple pie and rice and beans outside Rep. Scott Fitzgerald’s office.
- Sr. Dolores Sanchez, OSF, delivering apple pie and rice and beans to a Congressperson’s office on July 2, 2021
- Sr. Dolores Sanchez, OSF, delivering apple pie and rice and beans to Rep. Cori Bush’s office on July 2, 2021
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- Rev. Joe Mattern of Casa Esther participates in the July 2 Civil Rights of Immigrants Action.
- Rev. Joe Mattern of Casa Esther holds up a box of apple pie, rice and beans as part of the Civil Rights of Immigrants July 2 action.
- Members of Casa Esther stand in support of immigrant rights outside Sen. Ron Johnson’s office on July 2.