40 Days of Prayer and Reflection on Our Shared Journey to November 3

Gamaliel National Religious Leaders’ Caucus invites you to 40 Days of Reflection on Our Journey to the Polls

Few national elections have had similar consequences as the November Election in 2020. Our nation stands in crisis and at a significant crossroad. The Gamaliel Network, an interfaith coalition of persons of faith who stand and act together for justice and equality, pledges to undergird the 40 days leading up to the election with prayer and reflection.

We urge you to use the Common Prayer below every day. On each day, we have asked a faith leader, from different traditions, to offer a reflection on the Common Prayer at this Moment of American Crossroads. We urge you to begin this prayer preparation with a day of fasting on Sept. 24,(or a similar expression of spiritual preparation), and then to engage in prayer at a time of your choosing each day, to prepare yourself, your friends and neighbors, and our nation, for this election.

The Gamaliel Religious Leaders Table has written a “Theological Statement on Hate Crimes and White Nationalism.” a faith statement on “White Nationalism.” The link to this statement is: https://gamaliel.org/our-work/religious-leaders-caucus/gnrlc-a-faithful-response-to-hate-crimes-and-white-nationalism/

Each reflection will include the leader’s personal reflection, questions for contemplation, and a suggested scriptural text from their tradition.

-- The Gamaliel National Religious Leaders’ Steering Committee

Gamaliel 40 Days of Prayer and Reflection Zoom Launch Event, September 24, 2020

Day 1 – Rev. Dr. Kendyl Gibbons

The Daily Reflection on Our Journey Rev. Dr. Kendyl Gibbons, Senior Minister, All Souls Unitarian Universalist Congregation, Kansas City, MO The impulse to think of ourselves, or our communities, as special—as uniquely chosen, blessed, or superior – may be built into our human evolutionary heritage.  Whenever we seek meaning in our lives, our deaths, and…


Day 17 – Rabbi Simone Schicker

Rabbi Simone Schicker, Temple B’nai Israel, Kalamazoo Michigan, Member Congregation of Gamaliel affiliate ISAAC   We are living during divisive times. Every time we log onto social media, read or watch the news or even drive along our neighborhood streets we see the division. Neighbor against neighbor, family member against family member. We know the…