¡Únase a Gamaliel para apoyar el esfuerzo de recuperación del tornado del norte de Nashville!

As you know a tornado that reached a magnitude of EF-4 struck Nashville last week, killing twenty-five people across the region and devastating entire neighborhoods, schools, businesses, and churches.  Among the damaged or destroyed churches are three member congregations of the Gamaliel affiliate in Nashville, NOAH.  Those churches include:  New Covenant Christian Church, whose pastor…

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NLT Nashville se pospone hasta nuevo aviso

Good afternoon, It has been a week of unsettling news, especially with the rapid spread of the Coronavirus. We want to make clear that our priority is keeping our participants and affiliates safe, and out of potential harm’s way. I have spoken many times with our staff, and we have been in conversation with the…

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Declaración de Gamaliel sobre COVID-19 – ¡Gamaliel está actuando para proteger a nuestras comunidades!

Good afternoon, Gamaliel has been watching with concern the impact of the spread of the coronavirus in this country and around the globe.  The effects thus far have been monumental—schools have been closed, community events have been cancelled or postponed, many workers have been asked to work from home, cities and states have declared states…

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¡Una manifestación exitosa-ahora es el momento de tomar acción para liberar a nuestras hermanas y hermanos vulnerables!

Gamaliel Decarceration Virtual Rally   Yesterday’s Decarceration Virtual Rally was a huge success thanks to an all-star line-up of speakers.  Rev. Dr. John Welch, chair of the Gamaliel Board of Directors, and Rev. Marian Boyle-Rohloff, chair of the Gamaliel Religious Leaders’ Caucus, co-moderated the event which included moving testimonies from Gamaliel leaders impacted by the criminal justice system;…

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