Day 4 – Fr. Rudolph (Rudy) Juarez

Fr. Rudolph (Rudy) Juarez, Pastor, St. Anthony’s Catholic Church, Davenport, IA, and Member of the Gamaliel Board of Directors

romanos/Romans 13, 8-10

“No tengan con nadie otra deuda que la del amor mutuo . . . . “  Todos tenemos deuda de una forma u otra: A Dios le debo el don de mi vida, a mis padres mis valores y a mis maestros y mayores, les debo haber hecho huellas en la labor de la formación, la educación y de los derechos humanos y la justicia.

Lo único que tengo para pagar esta deuda es un amor que nace del sacrificio y del celo a favor de una humanidad más humana, digna y justa. Al ser fermento de justicia en el mundo por motivo del amor tengo el poder de cambiar las cosas y tengo la posibilidad de hacer del “otro” mi prójimo. 

Así es como se cumple la segunda parte de este verso de la Escritura: “…porque el que ama al prójimo, ha cumplido ya toda la ley.” 


“. . . owe nothing to anyone except to love one another . . . .”  All of us have some debt or another:  To God I owe the gift of my life, to my parents, my values, and to my teachers and elders, I owe a debt for blazing a path in the work of formation, education and human rights and justice.

The only thing I have to repay these debts with is a love born of sacrifice, and zeal for a more humane, dignified and just humanity.  To be a seed for justice in the world because of the love which I have, I know I have the potential to change things and make of the “other”- my neighbor.

In this way the second part of this verse in Scripture is fulfilled:  “. . . for the one who loves another has fulfilled the law.”


Preguntas para reflexionar/Questions for Reflection

¿Qué significa para ti ser fermento de justicia en el mundo?

What does it mean to be yeast for justice in the world?


The Common Prayer on Our Journey

Source of all being, Sacred mystery, you are the wellspring of justice. Weaver of the warp and weft of history, weave our lives into the fabric of your will. Guide us towards the Beloved Community. Forgive us when we have failed to give shape to the Beloved Community in our communities and in our lives.

All around us the ugly onslaughts of white nationalism, hate crimes, and systemic racism devastate your people, divide us, and threaten our democracy. All around us the wicked strut, and in high places are those who encourage the basest of attitudes and actions. Grant us wisdom and courage to confront these evils with the power of love and truth. Free us from timidity and equivocation. Help us to be bold in thought and action. May our lives and our faith communities model the change we hope to see in the world.

As we approach the November elections, keep us mindful that the right to vote is a sacred trust won by beatings, by imprisonments, by blood, by the relentless struggles of many who came before us. Help us to honor that legacy. May we vote our conscience and encourage others to do the same.

Heal our nation. Heal our hearts. Heal our nation. Amen.

Gamaliel National Religious Leaders’ Caucus invites you to 40 Days of Reflection on Our Journey to the Polls

Few national elections have had similar consequences as the November Election in 2020. Our nation stands in crisis and at a significant crossroad. The Gamaliel Network, an interfaith coalition of persons of faith who stand and act together for justice and equality, pledges to undergird the 40 days leading up to the election with prayer and reflection.

We urge you to use the Common Prayer below every day. On each day, we have asked a faith leader, from different traditions, to offer a reflection on the Common Prayer at this Moment of American Crossroads. We urge you to begin this prayer preparation with a day of fasting on Sept. 24,(or a similar expression of spiritual preparation), and then to engage in prayer at a time of your choosing each day, to prepare yourself, your friends and neighbors, and our nation, for this election.

The Gamaliel Religious Leaders Table has written a “Theological Statement on Hate Crimes and White Nationalism.” a faith statement on “White Nationalism.” The link to this statement is:
Each reflection will include the leader’s personal reflection, questions for contemplation, and a suggested scriptural text from their tradition.

The Gamaliel National Religious Leaders’ Steering Committee

Day 1 – Rev. Dr. Kendyl Gibbons

September 24, 2020 | Comments Off on Day 1 – Rev. Dr. Kendyl Gibbons

Day 17 – Rabbi Simone Schicker

October 10, 2020 | Comments Off on Day 17 – Rabbi Simone Schicker