On Sunday, June 21, millions of people all around the world will celebrate Fathers’ Day—a day that we honor fathers and those who have played a father role in shaping our lives and communities. At this critical moment in history when the world is still reeling from the coronavirus, when the inequities of systemic racism in the U.S. have been laid bare, when this country awaits a decision from the Supreme Court on the future of DACA, Gamaliel believes that it is more important than ever to lift up the contributions of immigrant fathers and father figures—in particular those who are undocumented and face possible deportation, those who are DACAmented and face an uncertain future, those who are essential workers and risk their lives daily to keep our economy moving, and those who are in detention centers and unable to protect themselves through social distancing.
We invite you to join Gamaliel’s Civil Rights of Immigrants Campaign for the Día del Padre Action on Thursday, June 18, at 7:00 p.m. CT (8:00 p.m. ET/5:00 p.m. PT). During the action, you will hear testimonies from immigrants, learn more about the Civil Rights of Immigrants Campaign, and receive training for taking action over the weekend. You must register in advance for this event at: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEtcuqoqDMqG9b_ArBp3yy2_h_-ygCgUnz9 . After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. If you prefer to join via Facebook Live, go to the Gamaliel Facebook page: facebook.com/gamalielnetwork.
Let’s honor ALL of our Fathers by taking action on Thursday evening and throughout the Fathers’ Day Weekend. Below are two graphics with images and descriptions of immigrant men. Download one or both and post on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter using these hashtags: #CitizenshipForAll #JusticeforDACA #FreeThemAll and #KeepDACA. You can tag also elected officials, community leaders, and your network of contacts using any of these social media platforms. The point is to “storm” them throughout the Día del Padre Weekend with a narrative that makes clear the value of our immigrant fathers. Acting together, we can keep our families, communities, and local economies strong!