Transformational Justice in Action Campaign

Transformational Justice in Action is Gamaliel’s campaign to end mass incarceration and reform the criminal justice system.

Decarceration – Good Policy Now and After!

Por | February 15, 2021

In this time of pandemic, the fragility of our democracy, the predatory nature of our economy, and the precarious condition of our communities—especially low income communities and communities of color—are being laid bare. The coronavirus is infecting and killing black people in the United States at disproportionately high rates, according to data released by several…

Reparation. Responsibility. Reconciliation: Gamaliel Transformational Justice in Action Platform 2021

Por | January 25, 2021

The following is Gamaliel’s Transformational Justice in Action Campaign’s 2021 Platform, which was released publicly during the Transformational Justice in Action meeting on January 22. This is a living document that was last updated on January 23, 2021. Download the platform document here: Gamaliel Transformational Justice in Action Platform 2021 As people of faith and…

Recent news from Transformational Justice in Action

Strategies for Ending Mass Incarceration

Strategy 1:  Create greater awareness and an alternative vision in the broader community, starting with the faith community At its core, mass incarceration is a serious spiritual and moral issue for our nation.  Communities and nations cannot systematically and unreflectively cage and marginalize massive numbers of human beings without first diminishing the recognition of their…

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Why it Matters

The current criminal justice system in the U.S. is the inevitable outcome of centuries of systemic racism and economic inequity.  Societal failure to ensure quality employment, housing, education, and healthcare (including behavioral health and mental health) to huge numbers of people—especially poor people and people of color—combined with an calculated, insidious legislative, regulatory, and judicial…

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Decarceration Effort

A successful rally-now it’s time to take action to decarcerate our vulnerable sisters and brothers!

Por | March 20, 2020

Gamaliel Decarceration Virtual Rally   Yesterday’s Decarceration Virtual Rally was a huge success thanks to an all-star line-up of speakers.  Rev. Dr. John Welch, chair of the Gamaliel Board of Directors, and Rev. Marian Boyle-Rohloff, chair of the Gamaliel Religious Leaders’ Caucus, co-moderated the event which included moving testimonies from Gamaliel leaders impacted by the criminal justice system;…

Materials and Follow-up to Gamaliel Decarceration Virtual Town Hall

Por | April 7, 2020

Thank you for joining last Thursday evening’s Decarceration Virtual Town Hall. Included with this email is a recording of the town hall, as well as some of the resources (see sidebar) shared by breakout leaders. Now, more than ever, it is critical that we act together to make decarceration a reality for the folks who are sitting…

Contact TJA

David Liners

[email protected]

Affiliate Criminal Justice Issue Campaigns

Nearly all of the 44 Gamaliel affiliates in 14 states are engaged in some kind of criminal justice work. These affiliate campaigns typically focus on one or more of the following:


  • Sustainable community schools
  • Drivers’ licenses for immigrants
  • Early education funding
  • Elimination of out-of-school suspension
  • Restorative disciplines policies and practices
  • School discipline policies

First Contact with Policing

  • Body camera legislation
  • Citizen review/accountability boards
  • Community/police relationships
  • Data collection on pedestrian stops
  • Diversity in police force
  • Police involvement in the schools
  • Racial profiling


  • Alternative courts (e.g., drug) focused on restorative justice—treatment instead of prison
  • Juvenile court reform
  • Local alternatives to prison
  • Raise the age
  • Restorative justice alternatives to youth incarceration
  • Sentencing reform


  • Compassionate release
  • Ending solitary confinement
  • New county jail with family access and increased safety for inmates
  • Release of those eligible for parole
  • Restorative justice practices in prison/jail


  • Ban-the-box (employment and housing applications
  • End parole revocations for non-criminal violations
  • Expungement
  • Transitional jobs
  • Ending mass supervision