Strategic Conference for Gamaliel Religious Leaders


A strategic conference for Gamaliel Religious Leaders to be further trained and equipped to lead their local affiliates in the resistance to White Christian Nationalism

Amanda Tyler, executive director of the BJC (Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty) and lead organizer of the Christians Against Christian Nationalism campaign

Dr. Obery M. Hendricks is the visiting research scholar at Columbia University working at the intersection of religion and political economy in the United States. He is author of many books including Christians Against Christianity: How Right-Wing Evangelicals Are Destroying our Nation and our Faith.

Nashville, TN
Scarritt Bennett Center

Arrival Sunday, October 1st, 3:00 p.m. Arrive and check in
Tuesday, October 3rd, 3:00 p.m. Conference ends
Conference begins Monday morning and concludes Tuesday late afternoon

The Beloved Community is our aspirational vision – what we seek to be and the positive vision for our American society that we will offer in a national campaign FOR the Beloved Community and AGAINST White “Christian” Nationalism.

The Call of the Beloved Community is multi-racial, multi-faith, multi-national, respectful of Indigenous people, immigrants, and of LGBTQ+ persons. It is the call of a place where everyone has a place, everyone has a voice, everyone is granted respect.

White “Christian” Nationalism is a dangerous political ideology and religious heresy based on the belief that this country was founded as and should be a "Christian" nation, must adhere to a distorted version of "Christian" values, and should perpetuate White Christian domination.