Posts by Editer User
Leader Spotlight: Sandy Milligan
Sandy is the new president of WISDOM, Gamaliel’s statewide organization in Wisconsin. Sandy is a lifelong resident of Kenosha, WI and is a retired special education teacher. She is a member of St. Anne Catholic Church in Pleasant Prairie, WI and became actively involved in parish Charity & Justice Ministries. Sandy is the first Catholic president of…
Read MoreLeader Spotlight: Father Rudy Juarez
Father Rudy hails from Iowa City, Iowa and has been a part of the Gamaliel organization for over 20 years. Most of his work has been associated with St. Patrick Parish. He has an undergraduate degree from St. Mary’s University of Texas, as well as a Master’s degree in Divinity from Notre Dame University. He…
Read MoreLeader Spotlight: Father Fred Thelen
Father Fred Thelen has been pastor at Cristo Rey Church since 1993. Before that he was working in the Lake Titicaca area of Peru for five years as an associate missionary with Maryknoll, the Catholic Foreign Mission Society of America. Father Fred grew up in Fowler, Michigan, a small German-Catholic rural community. For Father Fred,…
Read MoreLeader Spotlight: Father Richard Creason
Father Richard Creason was born and raised in the St. Louis, Missouri area and is pastor at Most Holy Trinity Parish in St. Louis, Missouri. Most Holy Trinity is a small, but mighty congregation with about 175 parishioners and is a part of Gamaliel Affiliate, Metropolitan Congregations United (MCU). How did your work with Gamaliel…
Read MoreLeader Spotlight: Father Jim Parke
Father Parke is originally from McKeesport, PA., near Pittsburgh, and has been a “teacher” throughout his four-plus decades as a priest. Father Parke was assigned to Church of the Holy Apostles in 2004. The 125 families of this unique Anglican/Roman Catholic congregation in Virginia Beach “share a vision with their Bishops and Priests to form…
Read MoreLeader Spotlight: Sister Susan Bowles
Sr. Susan grew up in Southern Tier of New York State with her family, attended school in Lockport and has spent most of her time in the city of Buffalo. She is the director of religious education at Our Lady of Hope Parish in Buffalo, New York, a diverse and exciting parish that is both…
Read MoreLeader Spotlight: Leroy Jordan
Leroy Jordan, a Springfield (Illinois) community activist and educator, is formerly the Assistant Superintendent of the Research and Information Systems in the Springfield Public School System. Prior to being Assistant Superintendent, Mr. Jordan was employed for 21 years at Sangamon State University where he was the Assistant Vice President of Academic Affairs. He started his career…
Read MoreLeader Spotlight: Paul Bossi
Fr. Paul Bossi is a member of Western New York affiliate, VOICE Buffalo in Buffalo, New York. He is the Pastor of Blessed Sacrament Roman Catholic Church and was the first Vice President of VOICE Buffalo and past Vicar for Northwest Buffalo. Fr. Paul has been engaged in community organizing for many years and has…
Read MoreLeader Spotlight: Denis Detzel
Denis Detzel is a member of the Gamaliel Board of Directors. works in an organization consulting firm that he founded called Eastlake. He also teaches in universities, usually regarding organization behavior and human resources. Originally from Cincinnati, Ohio Denis attended St. Xavier High School. He has been with Gamaliel since its beginning, as one…
Read MoreLeader Spotlight: Juan Soto
Juan Soto was born in Mexico and had lived there until he was five years old. Juan’s family moved to Chicago from Mexico and he has been living there ever since. Juan has been attending the St. Monica Catholic Church for the past five years. Juan has many responsibilities in Gamaliel. He is the Director…
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