Organizing 101, part 1: Community Organizing


In the first part of our Organizing 101 series, we’ll dive into community organizing itself. What is community organizing, anyway? What does a career in organizing look like? How has the organizing profession changed over time? We’ll get to these questions and more in a series of interviews with senior organizers from the National Staff and throughout the Network.

Organizing and Faith-based organizing, defined

Building relationships in the public arena that are rooted in shared self-interest is the process by which Gamaliel builds power. Shared self-interest is uncovered through one-on-one conversations. We believe that powerful movements are created when everyone involved not only has a clear understanding of why they are participating, but also has genuine empathy and concern for the self-interest and needs of others in their community. 

Traditionally, faith-based community organizing relies on organizing congregations and other faith institutions, in a particular geography, who are acting together out of their moral convictions. As a result, most of our affiliates are made up of congregations and faith institutions. Because, however, our work is rooted in a shared set of values, our affiliates also welcome people with no faith. Our organizing is founded in our shared values of justice, equity, and shared abundance. 

  1. Sr. Cheryl Liske, National Training Director
  2. Juan Soto, Civil Rights of Immigrants Campaign Coordinator 
  3. Angela James, National Ntosake Coordinator
  4. Ponsella Hardaway
  5. David Liners
  6. David Gerth
  7. Ana Garcia-Ashley
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