
National Day of Action

February 21, 2018

On January 17, the Metro Organization for Racial and Economic Equity (MORE2)—Gamaliel’s affiliate in the Kansas City metro area—held a press conference to announce that an ordinance to expand Kansas City, Missouri’s current “ban the box” policy was imminent.  MORE2’s action was part of a series of actions taken by other Gamaliel affiliates across the…

Rights for Immigrants Campaign, on Executive Order to End the Separation of Immigrant Families

June 20, 2018

Statement from Rev. Dr. John Welch, Chair, Gamaliel Board of Directors, and Pablo Tapia, Chair, Gamaliel Civil Rights for Immigrants Campaign, on Executive Order to End the Separation of Immigrant Families For Immediate Release Contact:  Rev. Cynthia Owen Jarrold, (913) 219-3198 Chicago, IL (June 20, 2018) – This afternoon President Donald J. Trump issued an…

N’tosake-25 years old and still training powerful women leaders!

October 12, 2018

More than 80 women leaders and organizers across the Gamaliel Network kicked off the 25th Anniversary Year of N’tosake—Gamaliel’s signature leadership development program for women—at our annual N’tosake training held this year at Colombiere Retreat and Conference Center in Clarkston, Michigan, September 20-22.  As Rev. DeNeice Welch challenged us in her opening remarks: Today, Ntosake,…

Banned for Life—Two Parents Led a Fight to Fix a Broken System

October 18, 2018

Below is a story published earlier in the month by Marguerite Casey Foundation (MCF) Senior Writer and Community Relations Staff Member, Paul Nyhan, about Gamaliel’s Kansas City affiliate MORE2 and their successful campaign to remove Missouri’s ban on food stamps for those with felony drug convictions. KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Johnny Waller was turned down…

Gamaliel’s organizing model drives change

December 13, 2018

Below is a story—A Movement of Families Challenges Power and Myths: Gamaliel’s Organizing Model Drives Change—published yesterday by Marguerite Casey Foundation (MCF) Senior Writer and Community Relations Staff Member, Paul Nyhan, about the organizing work of Gamaliel.  It includes a snapshot of an action on the Kansas City Board of Police Commissioners, led by MORE2…

A successful rally-now it’s time to take action to decarcerate our vulnerable sisters and brothers!

March 20, 2020

Gamaliel Decarceration Virtual Rally   Yesterday’s Decarceration Virtual Rally was a huge success thanks to an all-star line-up of speakers.  Rev. Dr. John Welch, chair of the Gamaliel Board of Directors, and Rev. Marian Boyle-Rohloff, chair of the Gamaliel Religious Leaders’ Caucus, co-moderated the event which included moving testimonies from Gamaliel leaders impacted by the criminal justice system;…

Join us for a Decarceration Virtual Town Hall

April 1, 2020

Join me, along with leaders and organizers from across the Gamaliel Network, for a Decarceration Virtual Town Hall, as we continue our fight to reduce the number of people being held in our prisons, jails, and detention centers during the coronavirus pandemic. The town hall, scheduled for Thursday, April 2, at 5:30 p.m. CT (6:30 p.m.…

Statement from Gamaliel on behalf of George Floyd and the many others whose deaths were denied justice

May 29, 2020

Justice may be blind, but justice apparently is not colorblind. Too often and for far too long people of color have been on the wrong side of justice because purveyors of justice, often White, have used their privilege to lift the proverbial blindfold over one eye and make judgments based on the skin color of…

WISDOM (Gamaliel in Wisconsin) is offering a 5-week leadership training to its members via Zoom

June 3, 2020

WISDOM (Gamaliel in Wisconsin) is offering a 5-week leadership training to its members via Zoom.  The series covers several essential themes from Gamaliel Leadership Training.  The five Thursday evening trainings will be from 6:30 to 8:00 pm central time, and the topics will be: June 25 — Intro to Organizing July 2 — One-on-Ones July…

Gamaliel is hiring a part-time Communications Specialist

June 8, 2020

Gamaliel has begun the process of searching for a part-time Communications Specialist whose focus will be on increasing the public profile of the Gamaliel Network through digital and social media platforms. The job announcement has been posted on the Gamaliel website and will also be distributed through partner organization networks. Interested applicants will be directed…